Cara C. Strayer, BS
Administrator of Business Services
Ms. Strayer comes to us with over 30 years of experience in the healthcare field, primarily in rehabilitation, including hands-on and managerial. Her interest in
the healthcare field dates back to her experience volunteering for Special Olympics as a teenager. She states, “That experience left a lasting impression on me.” Ms. Strayer has a BS degree in Exercise Science and is also a certified medical transcriptionist.
Ms. Strayer serves RB Health Partners, Inc. as our Administrator of Business Services. While she is not typically in the field, her day is busy working with our Sr. Team and Field Associates. She oversees our business office, human resources, and internal systems.
When not working, you will find Ms. Strayer spending time with her
nineteen-year-old son, Christian, and other members of her close-knit family.