Dr. Keith S. Goldstein, MD, MPH, FAAFP, DABPM
Chief Medical Consultant
Dr. Goldstein is a seasoned healthcare professional with extensive executive management and clinical medicine experience. He has served in both clinical and administrative managerial positions throughout his 40+ year career. His experiences include private Family Practice, Emergency Medicine, Occupational Medicine, and Urgent Care Medicine, in which he provided direct clinical medical patient care. He was the Global Corporate Medical Program Director for the civilian nuclear Navy. This placed him in the leadership role responsible for creating, developing, and maintaining operational medical departments, both clinically and administratively, in several U.S. locations, as well as two international sites.
His responsibilities included the development, implementation, and monitoring for compliance of medical standards for workers in the nuclear industry. In addition, Dr. Goldstein was a consultant examiner for the Pennsylvania Bureau of Social Security Disability Determination for almost 2 decades.
Dr. Goldstein’s community involvement included:
Regional AED Medical Director, established the first regional AED program in Bradford County, PA
Bradford County Regional EMS Council Director
Medical Director for Wyalusing and Tri-Township Ambulance
Directed Endless Mountain Tri-Athlon Emergency Response
Directed Bradford County Fall Run Emergency Response
Team Physician Assistant to Bradford County School teams
Lectures, Research and Publications:
Co-investigator for use of Ca-DTPA and ZN-DTPA as a chelating agent for treatment of internal contamination by transuranic elements. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Idaho, (1994-2012)
Research “Obesity in the workplace” (1999)
Presented Lecture: “Chemical Hazards” American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians Conference, Las Vegas, NV (October, 1996)
Medical Office Equipment and Supplies, The Upstate Physician Journal of Medicine, New York, September, 1985, Vol. 3, No. 7
“Patient Medical Information Series” Bimonthly article for Wyalusing Ambulance Newsletter, Wyalusing, PA
Anatomy Instructor, Visiting Professor, Niagara County Community College, School of Nursing, Sanborn, NY, 1985
Professional Certifications:
Medical Review Officer (MRO)
Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT)
Instructor, Basic Cardiac Life Support
Experienced Instructor, Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS)
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
PA Department of Health Certified Pre-Hospital Physician
Base Station Emergency Medical Command (MC-3), State of Pennsylvania
DOE Radiation Training Certification with Respirator
Department of Energy (DOE) Designated Physician (7/1994-9/2012)
Federal Security “Q” Clearance (Highest Level) (7/1994-9/2012)
American Medical Association Physician Recognition Award
Certified Human Resources Specialist
Certified Team Physician
Surgery Opinion Panel, Journal of Contemporary Surgery
Medical Software Review Committee, Computers in Emergency Medicine, ACEP
Professional Organizations:
Member, Florida Medical Director’s Association (FMDA)
Member, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM)
Fellow, American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Member, American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM)
Diplomat, American Board of Preventive Medicine (ABPM)
Member, American College of Emergency Physicians [ACEP]
Member, Florida Association of Occupational Physicians
Member, Florida Academy of Family Physicians
Past Appointed Member, Allegheny County Medical Society (ACMS), Occupational Medicine Committee
Past Member, American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), Software Review Committee
Past Member, Pittsburgh Association of Occupational Physicians (PAOP)
Past Member, Board of Consultants, American Board of Sports Medicine (ABSM)
Charter Member, American Medical Society of Sports Medicine Physicians (AMSSM)
Past Member, American Medical Association (AMA)
Past Member, Pennsylvania Medical Society (PMS)
Past Member American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Past Member, American Association of Trauma Specialists
Past Member, National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
In his spare time Dr. Goldstein enjoys spending time with his family, traveling, kayaking, biking, playing music, flying, 3D Printing, amateur radio, boating, and volunteering in the community.