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Domestic Violence

  • 28 Steps


This course provides health care professionals with an understanding of domestic violence. While the term “domestic violence” is still commonly used, more recently, physical, psychological, or sexual violence in a relationship is called "intimate partner violence." In order to support greater identification and intervention of domestic violence in the health care setting, you will learn the definition and scope of the problem in Florida and the United States. Through the use of videos, you will learn how to identify the signs and symptoms associated with domestic violence. The assessment of individuals who may be victims is also addressed and guidance on reporting potential cases and the supports and resources available to victims of domestic violence is provided. This course fulfills the Florida requirement for nursing professionals and nursing home administrators for 2 hours of continuing education on domestic violence. RB Health Partners, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing education through CE Broker, Provider #50-2405 and is approved by the Florida Board of Nursing and the Florida Board of Nursing Home Administrators.


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